
NOTICE OF ELECTIONS – due November 20th, 2023

In accordance with the ByLaws of the Fisher/Nightingale Houses, Inc., the Executive Board is holding elections in November 2023 for positions that start a two-year term on January 1st, 2024. Positions open this year include, Vice-President, Treasurer, Legal Counsel, and 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Trustee-at-Large. Anyone interested in running for any of these positions should contact the Fisher/Nightingale Houses, Inc. Vice President, Mike Beauchamp, at no later than November 20th, 2023 (resumes required). Elections will be finalized by November 28th, 2023. The Fisher/Nightingale Houses, Inc. is a private non-profit, 501(c)3 organization. Our mission is to raise funds to support compassionate care lodging for active military and veteran patients and their families receiving critical medical treatment. You can review the FNHI website at and on Facebook at Contact Dr. Kimberly Luse, Executive Director, for further information about the organization. The Fisher Houses have made a difference in the lives of our military when it mattered most. We want to ensure that this support will continue. One of the greatest strengths of Fisher/Nightingale Houses, Inc. is the assistance that is received from those who donate their time, talent and treasure to this work. Please thoughtfully consider applying for service to the governing Board of Trustees.

FNHI Board Elections 2023 final